Let’s Talk Bookish | Book Meme

2020 is finally over! Wishing you all a very happy 2021! I don’t know if it’s going to better or worse but I suppose, there’s nothing wrong with hoping for the best.

Image Source: Rukky @ Eternity Reads

To kick off this new year, I decided to participate in Let’s Talk Bookish, a weekly meme hosted by Rukky@ Eternity Reads and Dani @ Literary Lion where bloggers get to “discuss topics, share their opinions and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts.” The topic for the first Friday of this month is Reading Resolutions.

Because it’s my first time, I’m going to keep it simple and just answer the questions that were given as prompts(more or less).

Do you set reading resolutions in the New Year? Are they helpful?
I don’t set resolutions at all since it makes everything feel a lot more strained or forced. But I do make plans and set a few goals, just like an idea to put into practice rather than resolutions. This year, I hope to read more Poetry books and non-fiction. I think setting reading resolutions would be helpful depending on the person.

Do you look back to see if you stuck to your goals?
Yes, I do. But, I don’t feel too guilty if I didn’t get them done. I’ll just try again next year.

Do you ever feel pressured/stressed by these resolutions?
I certainly do. I feel like it takes the fun out of a lot of my daily activities and feel burdened under the guilt of not getting something done, even if I have plenty of time left.

Do you participate in the GoodReads challenge?
I do! This is something that I enjoy and it feels more encouraging rather than stressful. Goodreads is wonderful community to check out new books, explore different genres and it feels pretty homely in general.

Thank you so much, Rukky and Dani for hosting this meme!

I was also tagged for the Ideal Inspiration Blogger award by Millay @ Millay’s Musings. Millay is a kind friend whose book blog has wonderful book reviews and incredible original tags! (She did tag my other blog for this award but I’m doing it here because Random Specific Thoughts is award free)

Moving onto her questions. I’ll be answering these in reference to my writing blog and Paper Hearts.

Why did you start a blog?
Random Specific Thoughts
was more like an unplanned reckless blog that wasn’t given the benefit of thought. But with a few posts, I got the hang of blogging and it’s been an incredible experience meeting other extraordinary bloggers, a few of which have become dear friends and getting to write freely, and anonymously is definitely cathartic.

Paper Hearts on the other hand, was planned and was started as a place for me to share my bookish thoughts and occasional reviews. I spent almost a month planning it’s content, designing, writing etc. before I finally made it public. I’ve definitely enjoyed meeting other book obsessed teens and reading different perspectives on diverse books!

Why did you name your blog what you did?
Random Specific Thoughts because that’s all that blog is. It’s totally random, weird and basically a lot of musings.
Paper Hearts was more metaphorical and slightly dramatic with Paper referring to books, implying that one couldn’t live without books, just as they couldn’t survive without a heart.

What is your most viewed post? Why do you think it is?
On Random Specific Thoughts, I should think it’s this piece of prose titled Fall. I think it was because of it’s reflective tone and parallelism with autumn and it’s subsequent correlation to life in general. It was also open to interpretation and I feel like many could connect to it in their own unique ways.
On Paper Hearts, it was the Never Have I Ever book tag’s post. I can’t exactly say why, but it could have been because the answers were more or less relatable to most bookworms in general and I also tagged a few other bloggers which might have also increased the number of views it received.

Which blog post took you the longest to make? Why?
Most of my posts are written in less than an hour but they go through weeks of editing before I finally publish them.
On Paper Hearts, I spent more hours than usual designing posters for the Whispers Of The Soul (Poetry) series. It took some time to make sure the punctuation marks were in place, there were no spelling and grammatical errors etc.

What is your greatest blogging achievement?
I’d say having met so many different bloggers from all around the world. Having my perspective widened, getting to learn so much have all been great achievements to me, especially since I was very small minded before getting into blogging.

Thank you so much for the award, Millay! It was a wonderful way to begin the new year!

Speaking of the new year, I’d love to nominate every single blogger for being the amazing inspiration they are! Please feel free to answer the same questions!

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful 2021!

Previously on Random Specific Thoughts (my creative writing blog):

15 Comments Add yours

  1. peanutbuttersandwiches_ says:

    Cool answers!! Happy 2021!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Happy 2021 to you too!!💕

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Roshni says:

    Great post, D! Loved your answers!
    This blog is amazing.😁 I like the way you write!😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you did, Roshni! Aw..thank you so much! That means a lot!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Roshni says:

        Of course! My pleasure! The effort you put into writing is worth it!😃 You inspire me a lot!💛

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Alexa says:

    Cute blog! Found your blog off of another blog and I love it! Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved your answers, D!! Thank you for getting on top of the nomination so quickly! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you did, Millay! I hope to catch up on everything soon😂 Thank you for the nomination and taking the time to read!✨

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Diamond says:

    Happpy 2021 D! I enjoyed learning a bit more about your blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy 2021, Diamond! Glad to hear that. Thank you for taking the time to read!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. PatBunny says:

    I was off by one book on my goodreads challenge last year…one…just one…the pressure 😂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s so hard! I can totally imagine the pressure 😂
      Start reading sooner this year!😉 Thank you so much, Pat!

      Liked by 1 person

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